Centro Diagnostico Baronia

Centro Diagnostico Baronia s.r.l. was born in 2005 in the contest of Contest of Program Baronia Sviluppo Impresa (B.S.I.), to attract in the geographic area of Baronia – Valle Ufita, in the oriental district of Avellino, a lot of young companies, operating mainly in the agri-food sector, able to enhance, with a view to institutionalising and strengthening the logic of synergy and concentration of productive settlements,  the features and the potential of the area.

Company establishes, from the beginning, its headquarters in the PIP area located in Località Taverna Annibale, in the district of Frigento (AV), in a new industrial area designated to the realization of production sites of Program Contract B.S.I. and with many structures ( like Service Centre and Offices with an ad hoc viability Separated from the arteries of the external junction) for the other companies of the Program.

The mission of Centro Diagnostico Baronia s.r.l. is to sustain near agri-food activities according parameters complying with the principles of efficiency and hygiene, ensuring speed of intervention and response to any request.

The proximity to many companies and the singularity of its organizing structure in the area allowed the Centro Diagnostico Baronia s.r.l. to establish itself as a favourite partner for many important business realities


The company reinforcement in its original sector allowed to diversify its activities by extending to similar sectors: in the beginning, in the environmental and biological wastes management, the main problem in the agri-food world; and later, in the sector of recovery and reuse of agri-food waste in the production of “green” energy.

With the actual company structure Centro Diagnostico Baronia s.r.l. can offer services in the research and development of new products and technologies in different sectors. The actual management structure is composed by four main sectors, as follow:


  1. Research, laboratory and analysis sector;
  2. Informatic sector (I.C.T.);
  3. Environmental management sector;
  4. Energetic sector.

Management Structure

Centro Diagnostico Baronia’s management structure is like a real research institution, because the main purpose of management is to enhance, Both in numerical terms and in economic value, research orders, with technological and human resources of the company.

Company, in fact, has a qualificator and updated Technical Office, composed by young and dynamic protectionists, able to assure internalisation of many research, production and concept processes. At the same time, an Administrative Office to assure support about administrative, accounting and legal issues that are inevitably destined to meet.

With this structure, the outsourcing constituted, therefore, methodology to be used if it need add a quid plus to its dynamics of research and development, in order to extend the horizon to explore and consider perspectives and viewpoints that are original and atypical, aware of the fact That only from the critical position of the underlying thesis and from the openness to the other theses, when not to antithesis, it is possible to reach the optimal synthesis, that for the work team of Centro Diagnostico Baronia constitutes at the same time principle, objective and Canon.

The company management is summarised in the figure of CEO, having preferred to focus on his neighbourhood with the internal offices, to facilitate the exchange of information and requests, according to constant and frequent round-trip flows. The structural agility of the summit is reflected in a positive way, of course, also on external relations.